Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Scattering - Something has come through...

The time appointed for the Scattering has been and gone. I was somewhere safe when it happened, but I thought I would still feel it. I mean, it was supposed to be a completely unguided Scattering...Then, when the time came and went...nothing happened!

I waited for a few hours, in case the time was incorrect...but still nothing happened...

Incredulous, I carefully approached the Mountain...and then I understood...

There was no physical scar for anyone to see, yet for those who are trained to work with time, the scar was as plain to see as the sun at noon on a Summer's day. Words fail to do it justice. I have never seen the like. The amount of power is incomprehensible...worse than I had expected. And yet all was calm...all was oblivious to the destruction that could have, that should have been.

My surprise, even beyond the magnitude of the power that was released through time, was the distribution of it. It should have been random and scattered. Instead it was ordered and focused. I could see the after-effect of what I had seen and done so many times before in a much smaller scale. It was a time-gate. Something had come through into our time from a previous time. I assume it came from the time in which the Book is hidden. I searched the mountain, but I could see no signs of what had come or where it now was. If someone had come to take it I could not have tracked them. The ground at the epicentre is mainly rocks...

I fear what may have come through, with so much may be a dangerous object for someone to have picked up...

I suppose a person may have also come through, but with that much power...would not have survived.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Supplementary Lesson

Some of you have asked about my story. Some of you doubt me. I don't blame you. Indeed, I was once a betrayer. I left Tylean when my brother died. I thought he should have stopped it. I thought that Tylean's rules were weak. I was young and foolish. I guess that is why I did not understand his final words to me before I left. He knew I was leaving; he must have seen it in the Book. Yet he did not intervene. Instead he met me outside our chapterhouse. He had my Per'tnel - which I had forgotten. He said nothing at first. He handed me the stone with an eternal sadness in his eyes. Then, as I turned away from him, he said: "Tnem'Abie, remember the lesson of the Jaguar, even if you remember nothing else." Furious, at him not even trying to stop me, I forgot what he taught.

This is a lesson that we learn early in our Apprenticeship, but we review it at every opportunity.
After the first decade or so, it gets a little old. Yet the old sages all tell us it is the most important lesson. It is the lesson that the Zurkpert held in highest regard. Until now I did not know why, yet it is why they allow events to simply "unfold". When I joined the TEDO it thought this meant non-intervention. That is what the TEDO still believe. Yet I learned the hard way that "interventions" are dangerous and steal the most important thing that humans and Speakers have. Choice, Agency. What Tylean tried so long ago to teach me was this: that he teaches me the right way, and then it is up to me to choose what to do with that. Intervention for Tylean meant trying to teach the lessons that brought us Joy...He knew the Prophecy.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Lesson One

The Song of the Book

Móritu néfái trúns ánk mí Dóm úm mí Féi
Móritu néfái trúns ánk mí Dóm úm mí Féi
Ahúm recordém Móritu na néfái trúns
Ahúm recordém Móritu fái kíri úm párti

Móritu néfái trúns
Ánk mí Dóm nétin fái trúns

Ánk mí Dóm úm mí Féi na,
Móritu né sekéri fái!

Úm Móritu, néfái kiringé!