Thursday, June 18, 2009

Lesson One

The Song of the Book

Móritu néfái trúns ánk mí Dóm úm mí Féi
Móritu néfái trúns ánk mí Dóm úm mí Féi
Ahúm recordém Móritu na néfái trúns
Ahúm recordém Móritu fái kíri úm párti

Móritu néfái trúns
Ánk mí Dóm nétin fái trúns

Ánk mí Dóm úm mí Féi na,
Móritu né sekéri fái!

Úm Móritu, néfái kiringé!

1 comment:

  1. Here is my first attempt to translate the song, Abie.

    Death is not a barrier, my people’s Home still Is
    Death is not a barrier, my people’s Home still Is
    Strangers, remember, Death is not a barrier to me!
    Strangers, remember, Death is nothing, we destroyed it!

    Death is not a barrier
    Compared to my Home, nothing can trouble us

    Compared to my people’s Home, my existence is worthless,
    Death is nothing to me!

    To us, Death is nothing!
